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Mobilità Internazionale #25


L’internazionalizzazione è parte essenziale del  processo di modernizzazione  in atto dell’Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo, occasione per  misurare l’efficacia del nostro sistema formativo in rapporto ai livelli dell’offerta delle numerose Istituzioni partner e nello stesso tempo riflettere sulle nostre specificità come punti di forza da mantenere e implementare. Le opportunità  di confronto offerte dai programmi di mobilità Erasmus per  attività di studio, docenza e formazione costituiscono importanti occasioni di crescita oltre a consentire una puntuale verifica e messa a punto dei nostri obiettivi.

Le attività di mobilità internazionale ed i progetti ad esse congiunti costituiscono il centro delle strategie di internazionalizzazione dell’Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo, che ha aderito sin dall’anno Accademico 1997-98 al Programma Erasmus. A queste attività si collegano strettamente le attività di confronto e scambio con le Istituzioni del sistema dell’Alta formazione in Europa nell’ambito delle Belle Arti attraverso convegni, progetti artistici e attività didattiche congiunte, una  verifica comune dei processi relativi all’insegnamento, alla ricerca e alla operatività dell’Alta Formazione Fine Art in Europa.

Erasmus Policy Statement 

The theme of diversity remains of primary interest in the international activity of the Academy of Fine Arts in Palermo, which concretising itself in a specific geographical and cultural belonging, thus confirms its role as an institution Southern European Mediterranean in internationalisation strategies.

Our policy is consistently linked to the perspective of international expansion of our institutional academic program, therefore ABAPA recognises the following targets of indicators:


Our E+ policy is aimed at cooperation and innovation through implementation of the good practices and equal opportunities; our objective of purpose is fostering learning excellence, cultural exchange, digitalisation and dematerialisation towards innovation and open inclusion.


Student and staff mobility

By stipulating a more detailed memorandum of understanding, ABAPA within institutional partnership agrees to provide and cooperate on:

  mobility of students for study or training activities (incoming and outgoing from any eligible institutions) mutually agreed around workshops, stages and academic studies

  mobility of academic/staff for teaching/training activities (incoming and outgoing from any eligible institutions) towards the development of any common project

The activities will be carried around joint agreement with:

  a provision of full recognition to students for satisfactorily completed activities during their mobility period and to apply an academic credit transfer system that is comparable to ECTS credit system

  provision of support and integration of incoming students, with tutorial activities and general provision of language facilitations

  provision of support and acknowledgement of staff mobility

–  full academic recognition of teaching mobility with a focus on research

The specific objectives of student mobility aim to:

  create an international learning experience designed to increase the quality and quantity of knowledge

  to encourage promoting experiences of social and cultural deepening on an international scale

  developing cultural and artistic programs in the future perspective of shared academic courses and to verify any critical issues

 – organize exhibitions e seminars that involve the direct involvement of students from the various institutions.

At the present time ABAPA has more than 50 partner institutions in the countries of the EU, and several partners Worldwide.

The International Office 

Our office offers monitoring and support for outbound and inbound and is open to the public, on a daily basis, for:

Monitoring of activities and performances , Monitoring and live support to Learning Agreements ( including online procedures), Drafting and maintenance of contracts, General advice on E+ awards and scholarships.

Here listed details of support provided for:

outgoing students

  open call and tenders, management of internal applications and selection

  Organisation and support toward the application process general advising

  Support in the organisation of studies, issuance of ERASMUS documents

  Nomination of selected students to partner university

  Support in organising stays abroad

  Monitoring and live support

  Feedback point of experience

incoming students

  Organisation of the application process (acceptance of the application, feedback to the partner university)

  Admission (feedback & information to partner university or international counsellor)

  Guidance on Academic programme and facilities

  Provision of Italian language course

  Organisation of a non-academic welcome programme(introduction to social life, catalogue of academic facilities and partnership’s benefit)

All courses (study plans, training objectives, employment prospects, access requirements, types of final exam, additional training activities, frequency of verification and passage to subsequent years, duration, recognition of equivalent CFA credits ECTS) are described in the student guide also accessible on this website.

The office will operate to maximise compatibility with in-house digital workflow and European Student tools, ready to implement any development or solution through available fundings. The Erasmus office is located in the main building, well located and comfortable, equipped with latest technology; facilities includes access to online resources and digital signatures.

In the implementation of IT processes consistent with the European digitization process already started, the realisation of primary objective lies on the confirmation of digitisation as instrument of positive flexibility towards:

  Dematerialisation and removal of technological barriers

  Instrument of Democratic bilateral protection

  Ideal organisation tool for the planning and development of any learning schemes where networking plays a key roles.

ABAPA international office promotes:

Open Inclusion – Cultural exchange – Difference as added value – Exchange of Good Practices to support the elimination of social, cultural and religious differences. All through an intense programs of cooperation agreements and mobility exchanges, joint workshops, summer schools, cultural and social events and planned courses of study.

We advocate creative thinking, enlightened internationalism and honesty of purposes.

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