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Student Guide and Course Catalogue

Student Guide and Course catalogue

Course Catalogue

The programs of the individual courses are indexed in the following section. All courses are held in Italian language, however many courses are “English friendly”.  

The study courses are structured in academic formative credits whose credit unit (CFA) corresponds to 1 ECTS credit. Each CFA includes the measurement of the student’s learning work, including individual study, for the acquisition of knowledge and skills in the training activities envisaged by the courses.

The average amount of commitment carried out in a year is set at 60 CFA, the average semester is set on 30 CFA. The CFA of each training activity are acquired by passing the relative exam or recognized for internships, internships, etc. 

The evaluation of the profit is expressed with a marking system of  30/30 min. 18/30  max. 30/30 cum laude.

When compiling your Learning Agreement please state the Italian definition of subject, not a translation.

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